Tanks & Spills Information For


Lat 46 54 04n Long 118 03 17w, Benge, WA 99105

Tanks & Spills Details

ID # 41959916
Ust ID: 10130
Type: UST
Install Date: 10/1/1950
Tank Name: 1
Status: Removed

Tank related leaks and spills are caused by mismanaged or poorly designed underground and aboveground storage tanks and containers designed to hold a variety of potential polluters. They may pose a risk to human health and/or the environment.

Tank Types AST - Above Ground Storage Tank
UST - Underground Storage Tank
LAST - Leaking Aboveground Storage Tank
LUST - Leaking Underground Storage Tank
Categories SITE - Potentially Hazardous Site
SPILL- Potentially Hazardous Spill

What's Near This Storage Tank - WA41959916?