Caviat - Grand Canyon High School

Coconino Association For Vocation Industry And Tec 79381 09-12 | Public 1 Boulder St, Grand Canyon, AZ 86023 (928) 645-2737

Caviat - Grand Canyon High School is a public school in Grand Canyon, AZ. There are 0 students enrolled in Caviat - Grand Canyon High School, with the majority being of ethnicity. Homefacts gives Caviat - Grand Canyon High School an overall grade of for its combined test scores in Math, Language Arts, and Science when statewide results available. Nearby schools include Grand Canyon Elementary, Grand Canyon High School.


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Test Scores By Grade

Caviat - Grand Canyon High School Proficiency Exam Scores

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School Enrollment


Homefacts collects Caviat - Grand Canyon High School enrollment statistics from the Department of Education's public database. View statistics about gender, ethnicity by Year and enrollment by grade.

Ethnicities Statistics

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Enrollment By Grade Statistics

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Gender Statistics

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