Murton's Child Develop Center School

PK-KG | Private | Enrollment: 62 21500 Lorain Rd, Fairview Park, OH 44126

Murton's Child Develop Center School is a private coeducational elementary school in Fairview Park, OH. There are 62 students enrolled in Murton's Child Develop Center School and one teacher. There are 254 days in the school year and 7 hours in a school day. Nearby schools include Messiah Lutheran School, Fairview High School and Lewis F Mayer Middle School.

School Characteristics
Locale: Suburb, Large
Student Body: Coeducational
Number of Teachers: 1
Days in School Year: 254
Hours in School Day: 7
Religious Orientation: 0
Religious Affiliation: 0
Religion: Nonsectarian
Catholic Affiliation: Nonsectarian, regular school
Association: No Associations

School Enrollment

Homefacts collects Murton's Child Develop Center School enrollment statistics from the Department of Education's public database. View statistics about gender, ethnicity by Year and enrollment by grade.

Ethnicities Statistics

African American

Enrollment By Grade Statistics

Grade Level
Pre Kindergarten
55 (100.00%)

Gender Statistics

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