Warrington Township, Pennsylvania

Population NR

Warrington Township is located in York County, PA. The population is NR.

There are 0 public schools in Warrington Township with an average Homefacts rating of NA. The total crime rate for Warrington Township is low , and there are 0 registered sex offenders residing in the city. Unemployment in Warrington Township is moderate and the median home sales price is $0. Detailed and up-to-date Warrington Township property reports are available for any property address.

Cities near Warrington Township include Wellsville, Monaghan Township and Washington Township.

Warrington Township Neighborhood Report


School Rating is Not Determined
  • No High School Diploma: NR
  • High School Graduate or Higher: NR
  • Bachelor's Degree or Higher: NR

Crime Rate

30.03% Lower than national avg.
  • Auto theft: 76
  • Violent Crimes: 132
  • Robbery: 0
  • Burglary: 246
  • Property Crime: 1
  • Larceny Theft: 1

Registered Offenders

100.00% Lower than national avg.
  • 0 offenders in Warrington Township
  • 0.00 offenders/10,000 residents

Environmental Hazards

0 Found nearby
  • Brownfields: 0
  • Registered Polluters: 0
  • Superfunds: 0
  • Tanks & Spills: 0


Moderate 4.1%
  • Pennsylvania unemployment average: 4.8%
  • National unemployment average: 3.7%

Property Values

Median Property Value $0

Schools view all

0 Public Schools view public schools

  • Top Rated Public Schools Rating
  • We're sorry! No schools found in our database
There are 0 K-12 public schools in Warrington Township, PA and 0 private schools. Homefacts rates Warrington Township's schools as Not Determined, with an overall NA rating.
  • School District Rating
  • We're sorry! No Schools District found in our database.

0 Colleges & Universities view all colleges & universities

  • We're sorry! No colleges & universities found in our database

View All School Information

Crime view details

0 Registered Offenders search the registered offender database

  • Good news! No offenders found in Warrington Township, PA.

Crime Index view report

*100 is national avg. Greater than 100 means higher crime, lower means less crime.
  • Total Crime Index
  • Violent Crime Index
  • Property Crime Index

0 Former Drug Labs view all

  • Good news! No Drug lab found in Warrington Township, PA

Property Reports view all

Fair Market Rents

**Displaying data from Warrington Township, PA
  • Property Type Rent
  • Studio: $692
  • 1 Bedroom: $785
  • 2 Bedrooms: $1,024
  • 3 Bedrooms: $1,300
  • 4 Bedrooms: $1,415

View All Home Reports

Environmental Hazards

0 Environmental Hazards

  • Brownfields
    in Warrington Township, PA
    view all
  • Registered Polluters
    in Warrington Township, PA
    view all
  • Superfunds
    in Warrington Township, PA
    view all
  • Tanks & Spills
    in Warrington Township, PA
    view all

Health Hazards

  • Air Quality HEALTHY (385/400)
    Warrington Township, PA has 96.25% good air quality.
    view all
  • Radon ZONE 1 COUNTY
    Warrington Township, PA is a red zone.
    view all
  • UV Index MODERATE 4.32 Average
    Warrington Township, PA is a moderate risk area for ultra-violet rays.
    view all


  • We're sorry! No Weather statistics found in our database.

Average Monthly Temperature

  • January 29.65°
  • February 32.05°
  • March 42.7°
  • April 52.65°
  • May 62.28°
  • June 70.99°
  • July 75.23°
  • August 72.24°
  • September 65.52°
  • October 53.82°
  • November 43.65°
  • December 34.35°

View More About Environmental Hazards

Natural Disasters

Probability of Natural Disasters for Warrington Township, PA

Warrington Township, PA has a very low risk of earthquakes.
Warrington Township, PA has no risk of hurricanes.
Warrington Township, PA has a moderate risk of hail storms.
Warrington Township, PA has a high risk of tornadoes.

Demographics view details

Median Household Income

We're sorry! No Median Household Income found in our database.


Unemployment in Warrington Township is 4.1%. It is moderate in comparison to the state and national averages, 4.8% and 3.7% respectively


State Representatives

  • Gov. Tom Wolf
  • Sen. Robert P. Casey Jr.
  • Sen. Patrick J. Toomey

City Representatives

  • We're sorry! No City Representatives found in our database.

Neighborhood Info

0 Airports view all

Nearest Major Airports

0 Cemeteries view all

  • No Cemeteries found in Warrington Township, PA

0 FCC Towers view all

  • No fcc towers found in Warrington Township, PA

0 Fire Stations view all

  • No fire stations found in Warrington Township, PA

0 Hospitals view all

  • No hospitals found in Warrington Township, PA

0 Libraries view all

  • No library found in Warrington Township, PA

0 Police Stations view all

  • No police station found in Warrington Township, PA

0 Retirement Homes view all

  • No retirement homes found in Warrington Township, PA
Thank you for visiting the city of Warrington Township, PA.